As you walk down the corridor, you feel a chill...and it isn't the air conditioning. You are deep in a secret mountain complex located somewhere in the Colorado Rockies. There are armed guards everywhere, grim-faced centurions with M-16s at port have no doubt that they will shoot to kill first and ask questions later.

You approach the kiosk, showing the guards on duty your visitors badge and your clearance. They motion you toward the metal detector and conveyor belt, and as you remove all metal objects and place them on a tray, you wonder just what you are getting into...

You step through the metal detector, then reclaim the tray's contents. Your next stop is another kiosk. As you step inside, the door hisses shut behind you, and you place your eyes on the eyepieces in fromt of you, at the same time you speak your name and place your palm on a scanner.

The scanners hum...then the door hisses open...

You have been cleared for access...

Click here to continue your journey...